The BPP Group is a global organisation that meets regularly to, among other things, review any complaints or feedback regarding the Principles. Meetings are chaired by signatories’ representatives on a rotating basis.

As a matter of policy, each signatory to the Principles automatically becomes a member of the Committee in order to ensure proper representation of all the participants.

Current Committee Members

Organisation Representative
Federated Hermes (EOS) Amy Wilson
Glass Lewis Nichol Garzon
Institutional Shareholder Services Elizabeth Kantrowitz
Minerva Analytics Sarah Wilson
PIRC Alan MacDougall

For further information about the operation of the BPP Group please see the Membership Guidelines

To become a signatory please contact:

Oversight Committee

In 2019 the Group appointed an Oversight Committee to provide an annual review of the Best Practice Principles and the public compliance statements of each BPP Signatory.

Founding Group Members

The founding working group members were comprised of the following individuals:

Independent Drafting Committee Chairman

Prof. Dr. Dirk Zetzsche, LL.M. (Toronto) Propter Homines Chair for Banking and Securities Law, University of Liechtenstein, and Director of the Center for Business & Corporate Law, Faculty of Law, University of Düsseldorf (Germany)

Drafting Committee Members

Organisation Representative
Glass Lewis KT Rabin
ISS (Europe) Jean-Nicolas Caprasse
IVOX (**) Alexander Juschus
Minerva Analytics (Manifest) Sarah Wilson
PIRC Alan MacDougall
Proxinvest (***) Pierre-Henri Leroy | Loïc Dessaint

(**) On 11 June 2015, Glass Lewis acquired IVOX. Any materials relating to the compliance with the Principles of IVOX Glass Lewis, a subsidiary of Glass Lewis Europe, will be contained in the Glass Lewis Statement of Compliance.

(***) On 21 December 2022, Glass Lewis acquired Proxinvest. Any materials relating to the compliance with the Principles of Proxinvest, a subsidiary of Glass Lewis Europe, will be contained in the Glass Lewis Statement of Compliance.