Dr Danielle Melis – 2018 Review Chair
Dr Danielle Melis was appointed by the Steering Group to oversee the 2018 review of the Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research.

Dr Melis is currently acting as an independent member of various boards in The Netherlands. She is a member of the Board of the General Pension Fund, STAP, founded in 2016 by insurance company Aegon. In addition to this executive role, she currently holds three non-executive board positions, on the Supervisory Boards of the Pension Fund for Medical Specialists (SPMS), Kempen Capital Management Investment Funds and Blue Sky Group Holding, respectively.
Dr Melis is also an appointed member of the Disciplinary Council of the Dutch Securities Institute (DSI), a Senior Fellow with the IvO Center for Financial law & Governance, a member of the ICGN Shareholders Responsibilities Committee and is on the Editorial Board of SHIFT TO Long-Term Investing.
Commenting on her new role as BPP Review Chair, Dr Melis said: “The Best Practice Principles are to promote the integrity and efficiency of shareholder voting research services, which play an important role in investors exercising their stewardship rights and responsibilities effectively. In light of the new transparency requirements for proxy advisors and also to promote a greater understanding of the role of shareholder voting research providers in the investment chain as one of the original objectives of BPPG, I very much look forward to steering the final stage of the Review of the BPP and its implementation towards a revised set of Best Practice Principles for shareholder voting research that not only serve the BPPG members, but more importantly provide guidance for both the investors they serve as well as the companies they research.”
Danielle can be contacted by email at the following address: chair@bppgrp.info
The Chair’s report on the 2019 Principles can be found HERE
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