The first edition of the Best Practice Principles for Shareholder Voting Research & Analysis were launched on March 5th 2014 following a detailed public consultation.

The 2014 Principles and Guidance can be found HERE >>

Overview of The 2014 Principles

Principle 1: Service Quality

Signatories provide services that are delivered in accordance with agreed client specifications. Signatories should have and publicly disclose their research methodology and, if applicable, “house” voting policies.

Principle 2: Conflicts of Interest Management

Signatories should have and publicly disclose a conflicts-of-interest policy that details their procedures for addressing potential or actual conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with the provisions of services.

Principle 3: Communications Policy

Signatories should have and publicly disclose their policy (or policies) for communication with issuers, shareholder proponents, other stakeholders, media and the public.

The Principles are, in turn, supported by detailed Guidance that explains the background and relevance of the Principles. The Guidance to the Principles is integral to the Comply/Explain process. Unless otherwise stated, all policies should be disclosed on the signatory’s website or made available on request. Feedback relating to the Principles can be sent to: committee (at) Feedback relating to individual signatories should be directed to the organisation in question.

For more information about the consultation process please visit the Consultation page.

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